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Medicare, News, Obamacare

Protect Your Coverage and Private Information

Protect Your Coverage and Private Information

Spam calls are more than just annoying—they can put your coverage at risk. With more scammers and AI-assisted attacks targeting phone calls, it’s important to stay informed and vigilant. Here are some tips to help protect your coverage:

  • Be wary of unexpected calls:Be cautious if you get a call about your coverage out of the blue or if someone offers a free coverage review.
  • Keep personal info private:Do not share personal details, like birthdates, unless you are sure who you are talking to.
  • Watch out for voice cloning:Scammers can use AI to mimic voices, making calls sound like they’re from someone you trust. If a call from a familiar voice seems off, hang up and call the person back using a known number.
  • Reach out to us directly: If you have any doubts about a call and suspect it might be a scam, call us directly and we will help verify the information.
  • Report suspicious calls quickly: If you accidentally share information with a scammer, let your insurance agent know right away so they can check for any changes to your policy.

Make sure to use available resources to protect yourself from Marketplace fraud and scams, so you stay informed and safe. At Texas Medical Care Plans, we always assign an agent to you. Remember, no one can enroll you in a health plan in the Marketplace until Open Enrollment begins or after it ends unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period due to a qualifying life event or if your income is below a certain amount.

“By staying alert and informed, you can help ensure your coverage remains secure.”

At Texas Medical Care Plans, as advocates for safety, information management, and health, we invite you to contact us anytime you need more details about your coverage or wish to explore more options.

“Whether you’re seeking coverage for yourself or your family members, we’re here to help.”

Contact us today at (915) 781 1614 to learn more about our options and take the first step towards securing your health. Our services are free of charge.

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(915) 781-1614

462 N. Yarbrough Ste B

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