¡Un seguro médico para todos!

Month: June 2022

Texas Medical Care Plans

Texas Medical Care Plans

Yearly Checkups for Men Over 50

Annual preventive exams can include blood pressure, height and weight, blood tests, EKG, fecal occult blood test, and colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy. These exams are crucial in preventing chronic diseases, building your health record with your healthcare provider, and detecting any health problems you may have right now. For men over 50, there are additional tests to perform: Prostate exam [...]
Texas Medical Care Plans

5 Most Common Household Accidents

When it comes to the health of our loved ones, especially our young and our elders, we need to know exactly what to do when an accident occurs. That’s why we share here the 5 most common domestic accidents and tips to prevent and face them: Poisoning Most poisoning incidents involve medications, cleaning products, and [...]

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(915) 307-4416

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