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Category: Estilo de vida

Texas Medical Care Plans

Texas Medical Care Plans

3 Tips to Live in a State of Well-being and Fullness

We’d like to share with you some tips to help you feel happier. But first… What is happiness? Happiness is a state of well-being and fullness in which our body and mind are in total balance. Remember: Live in the present moment It means enjoying what you are experiencing right now as it is but also taking the time [...]
Texas Medical Care Plans

Are You Sleeping Well?

Here are some sleep hygiene tips! A hygiene routine before, during, and after sleeping is important for a healthy lifestyle. According to studies, adequate sleep helps prevent chronic diseases, weight gain and coronary disease, and mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. A good sleep routine will allow you to be more productive and have [...]

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125 N. Glenwood St E

(915) 781-1614

462 N. Yarbrough Ste B

(915) 307-4416

4901 N Mesa St #3A

(915) 587-7100

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