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Lifestyle, Medicare

National Senior Citizens Day 2023

Respect and cherish the elders on National Senior Citizens Day on August 21.

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed a holiday to raise awareness about issues affecting senior citizens. Today, seniors remain active and have a strong presence in the workforce thanks to improved health services and technology. We owe senior citizens our gratitude for their contributions to our communities.

60 is the age after which a person is considered to be a senior citizen. 

Acknowledging the vital role senior citizens play in our city is essential. Our elders possess invaluable experience and wisdom, and how we treat them reflects our culture as a city. Take advantage of the contributions of elders and make the time to contact them, listen to their stories, and enrich your life today as a parent, adult, and community member.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 78 million people aged 65 and older will reside in America by 2035. This figure will surpass the number of the population under the age of 18 for the first time in the nation’s history. 

Approximately 92 percent of older adults have at least one chronic condition, and 77 percent have two or more.

Source: American Psychological Association

We want to take advantage of this special date to remind you that Medicare is an essential resource for older adults to take control of their health needs. Medicare is a national government program providing health insurance to Americans 65 and older. It covers hospital visits, doctor appointments, prescription drugs, dental care, OTC medications, and Healthy Food Cards, among other things, at little or no additional cost. If you know someone who is about to turn 65, please share this information with them. We are here to help and answer any questions you may have related to Medicare.

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